My Global Health Care Plan
In the Greater Health Communities of the USA

MyGHCP is an advanced and sophisticated “Health & Life Plan eBook”. The user can create both a Global Health Care Plan that graphically informs you, the self-managed caregiver, as you complete evidenced based medicine quick self-assessments identifying barriers to your optimal health with alternative best next steps to maintain or readjust back to optimal health. MyGHCP works best when the user is transparent and inclusive with family or friends (confidants). Regarding your Life or Career Plan, you modify the graphic model and key players paying attention to your family or other private confidants and prevent troubles interfering with your plans by built in feedback loops to you the Master of your Life and Health Plans. The ideas and structural components (graphics), of the Pragmatic Health & Life Pyramid are principally from two American Pragmatists: Charles Sanders Peirce (the Father of Pragmatism, “A New List of Categories”), Josiah Royce (The Philosophy of Loyalty”, “The Greater Health Community”), and Dr. Murray Bowen’s Family Systems Theory of Eight Concepts. Supporting and significant academic correlations are attributed to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Guerin’s ( “Working with Relationship Triangles”, John S. Rolland MD, on: “Families Illness and Disability”, and “Adaptive Coaching”: by Bacon and Spear.
The mission of the MyGHCP is to attain optimal health of an individual and family as supported by the federal law known as the: “Patient Self-Determination Act of 1991 (PSDA). All of these underpinnings to MyGHCP have been amalgamated into an indexed master PDF file of four pages named the “1Greater Health Community Binder”, (i.e., file noted as “1 GHC Binder”). The 1GHC Binder links to over a hundred files, forms and web sites and allows user customization if you learn Adobe Acrobat DC or, alternatively you may sign up for one of two class sophistication levels as either User or Healthcare Professional.
Certified Case Managers (CCM’S) are uniquely qualified for the role to guide and unify a cohesive global health and life care plan with clear next steps you perform daily to all key parameters unique to your conditions as well as delayed responses from your providers. My GHCP Education classes establishes the TriUnity first then aligning condition-specific patients into the Greater Health Community one town and community at a time.
TriUnity Health Institute offers all patient viewers a free download of MyGHCP when you contact TriUnity to start your own condition specific group in your specific town and nearby communities. Your first step is to download the Master File to MyGHCP, named 1 GHC Binder, go to the Resources tab above and click on the first three titles and you can save each to your computer or smartphone. Save each document with the exact name provided. When you complete filling out each file or have any difficulty, please phone or write a note to TriUnity and we will assist you to create your volunteer group.
The difference with a TriUnity group and existing well known AA groups is the addition of a professional licensed Certified Case Manager who are either a RN and/or Social Worker trained in physical and mental health care according to evidence based treatments and trained in healthcare settings with extensive direct work with patients with any diagnosis or conditions. All AA group members are specifically invited to a free MyGHCP as described above to all patients.
TriUnity will request a referral from your provider for weekly class health education and training in the use of MyGHCP. Your insurance will be billed for health education, and or Case Management.

TriUnity will request a referral from your provider for class health education to your condition(s). Your class instructor is a Certified Case Manager (CCM) with a higher education degree and trained in the use of MyGHCP. Your insurance will be billed for health education, and or Case Management.
The complexity of MyGHCP is related to how complex the American healthcare system is and dangerous the healthcare system can be. Our healthcare system is the third leading cause of death, by errors or omissions in treatments, not by the disease or injury a patient comes in for. Read the “Introduction” and “Patient Safety” tabs on page one of 1GHC Binder file. The USA Healthcare is the most expensive per-capita in the world (no one pays more than an American). For these reasons, you will need a Certified Case Manager, (CCM) especially in all hospitalized admissions with your aim to get discharged safely and “asap”. A CCM will guide you in your transition and aim to be a “self-managed Caregiver” rather than a paternalized or passive Patient recipient. TriUnity Health Institute is an educational company with the aim to promote optimal health for all patients in becoming self-managed caregivers as well as educating your family and friend confidants also as your heads-up caregiver. MyGHCP is written to the audience of ~ 100,000 certified case managers like me with varying educational and work backgrounds.
CCM’s require induction into a professional organization by exam and verified advanced education. To locate one near you, you can look up CCM’s in your area at (If none, contact TriUnity Health Institute for online group classes for health consumers or telecommute with other CCM).
Patients, Caregivers, and Certified Case Managers

Empowered patients use My Global Health Care Plan to stay organized and ensure that each healthcare provider they visit are aware of their complete medical history/situation.

Caregivers ensure their loved one or individual receives the best possible care by completing My Global Health Care Plan on behalf of the patient.

Certified Case Managers
Certified Case Managers use My Global Health Care Plan as a tool to empower their patients to be Expert Patients, resulting in positive health outcomes.